

  • Orthopedic Physical Therapy
  • Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
  • Dancer Wellness
  • CrossFit Recovery
  • Professional Bike Fitting
  • Running Analysis
  • Private Pilates Reformer Training
  • Personal Training
  • ASTYM Therapy
  • Kinesiotaping
  • Cupping
  • Dry Needling
  • Strength and Conditioning


Does Perform Physio, LLC Participate with My Insurance?

Perform Physio, LLC is an out of network provider, meaning we do not participate directly with insurance.   The traditional insurance model in the current health care market does not allow us to provide the quality of service that we at Perform Physio strive to achieve.  Our model allows for one on one individualized care for the entire duration of your appointment. We are not confined to traditional insurance duration limitations.  The traditional insurance model forces most physical therapy clinics to see patients three times a week with many other patients at the same time with an average time of 15 minutes spent with the physical therapist.  The remaining duration of care is often managed by unlicensed rehab aides. Our model is one on one care with your therapist for the entire duration of your session. This allows often for a reduction of visits per week from an average of 3 in the traditional model to an average of 1-2 visits per week.  You tend to need less visits, and in the long run may end up spending less with us than a traditional PT practice when you consider your deductible, co-pay, and extra visits needed. Studies have shown that patients who receive care from the same therapist for the entire duration of care recover at a faster rate and the total cost of therapy is reduced compared to patients seen by multiple therapists and ancillary providers such as rehab aides.

If you have an insurance that offers “Out of Network Benefits” most insurance companies will reimburse you for all or some of your physical therapy services with Perform Physio, LLC.  You can determine if this is the case with your insurance by calling the number on the back of your insurance card. Perform Physio, LLC will provide you with the information that your insurance will require to be reimbursed.  Another option is to utilize your Health Savings Account. Services with Perform Physio, LLC meet the criteria to allow you to utilize your HSA.


Do I need a referral to be seen by a physical therapist?

You do not need a referral to be seen by a physical therapist.  Dr. Greenawalt and Dr. Davis both have their Direct Access License which permits a patient to be seen directly by a physical therapist without a referral.  Research has shown that obtaining rapid care directly reduces the duration of time to recover from an injury as well as is strongly correlated with reducing the likelihood of the injury recurring.  In addition to having our direct license, we both are fellowship trained therapists. This means we have been trained to rapidly identify if a condition is best treated in physical therapy or if a referral to another practitioner is advised.

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